Online Professional Certificate in Allergy Nursing, University of South Australia

3 Jun, 2022 | News

OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS to registered nurses: Online Professional Certificate in Allergy Nursing, University of South Australia commencing late July 2022 (15 weeks).

Offered collaboratively with the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) this Professional Certificate provides an understanding of the role of the allergy nurse, the allergic process, allergic disease and best practice management in both children and adults. Topics include food, aeroallergen and drug allergy, anaphylaxis, asthma, rhinitis, immunotherapy, eczema, allergy prevention and legal and ethical considerations. This course is taught online and with assessments linked to professional practice standards of each nurse’s country of practice. Students who successfully complete the course may eligible for credit in other tertiary programs.

For further information and to apply directly to the University,
please visit:


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