Global Dermatological Nursing Group Meeting

17 Apr, 2023 | News

We are pleased to invite you to join us for the first ever Global Dermatological Nursing Group Meeting to be held on 1st July 2023 in conjunction with 25th World Congress of Dermatology in Singapore. This meeting is a co-joint effort of the Singapore Nurses Association – Dermatology Chapter with Global Alliances of Nurses in Dermatology. There are eight country representatives from dermatology groups will be meeting for the first time in Singapore.

The organizing committee of the Global Dermatological Nursing Group Meeting look forward to your support in July for this meeting. It will be an outstanding meeting and amazing experience in hearing from country representatives and networking across.

with best regards,
Ms Brenda Lim Chairperson – Organizing Committee of Global Dermatological Nursing Group Meeting
Chair of SNA-Dermatology Chapter

Date: 1 July 2023

Time: 1.30pm – 5pm

Venue: PSB Academy, Marina Square, 6 Raffles Boulevard #03-200

(S) 039594

(Tel. 63909000)

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