Drinking cultures study

26 Nov, 2024 | News

Are you a nurse or midwife interested in sharing your insights on drinking cultures within your professional community? Researchers from La Trobe University and Monash University want to hear from you!

Researchers are conducting an online survey to explore the unique dynamics of drinking cultures among nurses and midwives. Drinking together (e.g., after work or at work events) can be an important part of nurses’ and midwives’ occupational activities, offering opportunities to socialise, relax, debrief or network.

Your experiences and perspectives on drinking with colleagues are valuable in understanding the nature, meanings and purpose of drinking alcohol together within your occupational group.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous, you will not be identified.

To find out more and access the survey, please click here or paste this link into your browser https://redcap.latrobe.edu.au/redcap/surveys/?s=KAPMXC8T4XDCCD7P.

This research is funded by the Australian Research Council and Victoria Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) and has received ethics approval (HEC24170).

If you would like more information regarding the study or have any questions, please contact Dr Nyssa Ferguson n.ferguson@latrobe.edu.au.

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