Delphi Survey Phototherapy

27 May, 2024 | News

We invite you to participate in a survey!
What is it?
An eDelphi survey on NB-UVB phototherapy for atopic eczema (DEBATE)

Who we are looking for?
– Dermatologists, dermatological residents or dermatology nurses worldwide
– Experience in (any type of) phototherapy for atopic dermatitis patients (adults or children)

What we ask of you:
– To fill out 2 or 3 surveys (approx. 20 min each) divided over 2 or 3 rounds
– If necessary, to take part in a digital consensus meeting afterwards (approx. 60 min)

When is it?
The survey for the first round will be available in April and May 2024

What we offer:
– An acknowledgement in the future publication, if desired (all rounds must be completed)
– Working towards consensus on the treatment of atopic dermatitis with NB-UVB phototherapy, which could be used in guideline development and improving patient care

When atopic dermatitis (AD) is insufficiently controlled despite optimal and adequate topical therapy, adding phototherapy or systemic (immunomodulating) medication can be considered. In case of phototherapy for AD, various types of phototherapy, including the most common type, narrowband ultraviolet B (NB-UVB), can be utilized.

Why this eDelphi study?
Although phototherapy has been used for decades, current guidelines on the treatment of AD with phototherapy lack detailed recommendations on when and how to prescribe the therapy. This results in a large variety in clinical practice as portrayed by a recently conducted survey1, with dermatologists predominantly applying the therapy based on empirical knowledge. It may be assumed that this variability in prescribing- and execution of phototherapy leads to variable treatment outcomes as well. A recent systematic review2 from the Cochrane Database concludes that the effectiveness of NB-UVB in treating AD is still up for debate, despite the fact that it is frequently applied by dermatologists. The lack of a standardized phototherapy regimen should be addressed to reach a better standard of clinical care. This eDelphi study aims to reach consensus regarding NB-UVB phototherapy in AD patients, providing a base for further guideline development and improve the evidence.

eDelphi consensus exercise

We are delighted to invite you to take part in this international consensus study to bridge the gaps in current available evidence on NB-UVB phototherapy in AD. You are a good candidate for this eDelphi survey when you are a dermatologist, dermatological resident or dermatology nurse practitioner and have experience in (any type of) phototherapy for AD patients (adults or children). We will conduct two to three successive rounds of questionnaires, that will be answered anonymously. Following the survey rounds, the potential lasting disagreements can be discussed in an digital consensus meeting. You will be acknowledged in the publication of the results, if desired, when you have completed all rounds of questionnaires.


How to register?

Please register by sending an email to When you register for the study by sending us an email, we will automatically assume that you give consent to participate in the survey.

Spread the word!

Please forward this email to your peers who might be interested to participate as well. We will send the link for the survey to all who registered to participate.
We are looking forward working with you on this exciting project.

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