British Dermatological Nursing Group (BDNG) is seeking to collaborate with international colleagues

8 Dec, 2020 | News

The British Dermatological Nursing Group (BDNG) is seeking to collaborate with international colleagues and increase the scope of their online learning resources. BDNG invite ADNA members and wider international nursing colleagues, to submit and present a case study to be published in an “on demand webinar” available to BDNG members only.

This would provide a very interesting teaching resource and would also provide potential speakers with an opportunity to hone their presentation skills in front of a “virtual” audience.  This is something the BDNG are keen to promote since teaching skills are fundamental to career advancement as stated in our recently published document “Clinical Dermatology Nursing Role Descriptors: guidance on scope of practice.”  

To support nurses to submit a “case study presentation” a PowerPoint template is provided outlining the format and information which is required. 

Submissions should be received before the 1st March 2021 and the date for the webinar will be published towards the end of that month.  It would be a great privilege for BDNG members to engage with their wider international colleagues.

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