CPD Workshop Melbourne using the Morpheus8 Device

CPD Workshop Melbourne using the Morpheus8 Device

Date and time Tuesday, July 23 · 6:30 – 8:30pm AEST Location Aspire Training Clinic Melbourne 657 Burwood Road Hawthorn East, VIC 3123 About this event AACDS, together with Inmode, are holding a CPD workshop evening in Melbourne on the 23rd July 2024. This...
Advanced Injectables for lips Workshop

Advanced Injectables for lips Workshop

Learn Advanced Injecting Skills for Lips! AACDS are now taking bookings for our Advanced Injectables for lips Workshop on – Thursday 27th June 2024, 9am – 5pm at Aspire Training Clinic – 60-62 Stirling Street, Perth WA 6000. This small group workshop...
Delphi Survey Phototherapy

Delphi Survey Phototherapy

We invite you to participate in a survey!What is it?An eDelphi survey on NB-UVB phototherapy for atopic eczema (DEBATE) Who we are looking for?- Dermatologists, dermatological residents or dermatology nurses worldwide- Experience in (any type of) phototherapy for...