Australian Primary Health Care Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Survey 2023

14 Nov, 2023 | News

I am writing on behalf of APNA President Karen Booth to seek your support for the APNA annual Nursing Workforce Survey. This survey is the most comprehensive survey of primary health care (PHC) nurses in Australia. Nurses comprise the largest workforce (96,000) in primary health care, across a wide range of discipline areas including aged care, general practice, rural and remote area, and First Nations health care.

The APNA Workforce Survey data is used by the AIHW, PHNs, Departments of Health and peak bodies to inform workforce planning. It was also used to support discussions for the ‘Strengthening Medicare Taskforce’ and continues to be used in PHC reform reviews and consultations.

The information provided by survey respondents helps build a strong picture of the nursing workforce’s experience and capacity that is otherwise not readily available. By sharing the APNA Workforce Survey with nurses and networks in your region, it will strengthen this database and help inform local and national health policy and workforce planning.

Simply cut and paste the link here

Alternatively, if you send the contact details of your communications team to our Corporate Affairs Advisor Nick Buchan at, Nick will do the rest.

If you would like to organise a briefing about our Workforce Survey data, please contact our Advocacy Manager Frances Cieslak at or feel free to call Frances on 0418 348 587

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